Superstars Aging Update Info!

Hitwicket Superstars
2 min readJan 14, 2022

Howzat Superstars,

The Hitwicket team goal for 2022 has been all about player progression, and we aim to build on the same with the next update.

As you carry on going strong and rubbing shoulders with the best champions, we are here to make sure your glittering experience in Hitwicket Superstars doesn’t end up in you hanging up your boots once and for all. Recently, we shared our quarterly user delight survey with all of you and your feedback & ideas have been super valuable for helping us craft the changes in the game.

Based on your feedback and our evaluation of the ecosystem, we are revising the minimum level that players can lose training to level 40. This effectively implies that your Reliable and Brilliant players won’t get demoted at all as their level can never drop below 40. While World class players even as Veteran will be strong support players in the lineup as they can forever maintain level 40.

We know it’s quite unnerving as a Team manager to have your best players lose their shine with age which is precisely why we are bringing forth this modification to the present scheme of things. You can still train your older players to maintain their shape & steam, get them to put up a remarkable fight against your opponents and despite their seniority, they’d never fade away into oblivion. Your scintillating streak in the game is testimony to your brilliance and the world expects you to keep smashing more!

The update will provide you more versatility in squad rotation and if you haven’t realized by now — the competition’s up for turning even more fierce. So, buckle up Superstars, get out on the pitch, spearhead your team, and keep climbing up the global leaderboard.

Additionally, more things are coming up with the next update, but we’ve been sworn to secrecy for the time being.

We will share this info with you as soon as we have it in our hands!

Happy Hitwicketing!



Hitwicket Superstars

Own a Cricket Team with Superpowers & Compete in a Multiplayer Cricket Game.